Defination of computer graphics

Defination of Computer Graphics

Computer graphics define the theory and technology for the computer system which used proper manner. It is consist of images, sound, text, color, and present ion tools which help to create interactive picture in a computer system when a computer develop a picture or data which use diff pixels in the process of real and virtual image.A computer graphics is a sub-field of computer science which concern different pixel. Shape and position through the user need when user create a real or virtual image. There are two type of picture develop in a computer graphics.

Types of Computer graphics
  • Dynamic computer graphics

Dynamic mean change the value of object in runtime when user create or operate systematic picture in the computer system. Computer graphics are visual representation of display computer system.It may also multiple linked by time for example gradated by an optimization algorithm.

  • Statics computer graphics

It define constant picture or any other picture which does not change at the processing time.statics graphical knows as graphical techniques.It is used statistics visualize quantitative data. The important tools with the revival of computer graphics.

Application of Computer graphics 

1). Graphics user interface(CAD)
2). Computer aided design (CAD)
3). Education 
4). Business
5). Medical
6). Movies

1). Graphics user interface (GUI)

Many application run on a personal computer and work station to attech with different other computer for time sharing process. The most common user interface application, folder, icon and other information which handle user information.

2). Computer aided design ( CAD)

It is on interactive graphic software which design different component work in machine and electronic device. It is consist of different object shape and value help of different operating system.

3). Education computer graphics 

Education visualization is using  simulation normally created on a computer to create an image of something so it can be taught about.this is very useful when teaching about a topic that difficult to otherwise see.

4). Business computer graphics

In business field, computer graphics involves visualization software technology for the viewing and manipulation of 3-D models , technical , drawing and other related documentation of manufacturer component and large assemblies of product.

5). Computer graphics in medical science

Surgical training simulators are a very important place of equipment for surgical resident who need practice performing complicated procedures so that process dire will make an imaginary model that can teach the procedure

6). Computer graphics in movies 

Computer generated graphics are everywhere - television , movies , weather reports , game ,business for casts ,and all type of medical procedures.

Computer graphics advantage

1). It is an art of drawing , picture , lines , charts etc.
2). The computer screen by using programming language.
3). It computer graphics object and presented as a collection of describe picture element
      For example :- pixel- small screen element

Computer graphics Disadvantage

1). Computer graphics is that are not very easy to create. 
2). This result in the cost the computer graphics becoming very high .
3). The time and effort to make computer graphics.

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